
This is a blog community of students in USC's Master's of Public Health Program, Emerging Trends in Global Health Class, Spring 2007.

The course is designed to provide a strategic understanding of emerging issues, opportunities, challenges and trends in global health. Current concerns and hot-button issues in international health will be examined, as well innovative new tools, technologies and approaches that promise to revolutionize the practice and impact of public health in the global arena.

Students were asked to set-up their own personal blogspots as a means of self-expression into the insights, observations and perspectives based on the things they discuss in class; their readings; connections they make between material that is covered in the course and information they have come across in other classes, on the news or in the course of their daily experience, etc. Links to the students' blogspots can be found on the left hand side of the site.

This website will also be featuring presentations by both Professor Shahi and the students.